Cooking is Like Science

Cooking is Like Science
Cooking is Fun & Healthful!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Some Thoughts on Some Modern Day Contradictions From Reading Health Articles

  Are you having a good day? I hope so. I hope you feel well and have energy and strength for the day. Many do not feel well today. Could there be a connection between what we eat, what we breathe in, what we touch, and what we see and hear, and how we feel physically?
   We have many in our country (America) here, who have cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and a host of other diseases and illnesses that we can't seem to fight against and win. Maybe, its too late to try to win, or maybe, we just don't really want to put all the effort into trying to win.
   I have some interesting observations with my theoretical conclusions. You can read them here and take them with a grain of salt, if you wish. But, at least consider them. This is more than just a matter of eating right and exercising. It seems to have become a matter of control from authority figures. What are the next steps we can take?
   First, I have been considering the whole wheat/gluten intolerance issue. Have people always been gluten intolerant but never had it diagnosed? Maybe people died before they would have discovered it. But it is popping up everywhere, in every city and state in our country. But I don't think other countries are experiencing this epidemic in the same way as us. In fact, I have heard reports of Americans (some of whom I know) who have gone to another country and eaten bread and they didn't get sick from the gluten. So, what is it about American bread that makes people gluten intolerant? Could it be that wheat has been genetically modified? I personally believe so. But an author who wrote an article in Mother Earth News doesn't agree. He says that wheat has not been genetically modified. He seems to think that the problems people have with tolerating gluten are mostly do to eating ingredients that are bad, along with eating the gluten, and that is why most people are gluten intolerant (or think they are). However, I have read other articles that say that wheat has been genetically modified? Who is right? Here is an article that is interesting about bread: . This article explains in detail how wheat has been modified. It has been so modified that it has lost most of its original value. But, according to this article, modern day wheat is not genetically modified. perhaps that happened in the past, but now it is hybridized. Hybridization is not necessarily bad, but in this case, the results were bad. They affect us today.
   The other food topic I want to mention is soursop. Soursop has been touted as being more powerful than chemo in killing cancer cells. Of course, everyone and their brother now wants to buy soursop products. While there are articles on the power of soursop, there are also articles warning against the product, claiming that drinking soursop juice or eating soursop can actually make a person sick. The article I read recently was written by a man who was a director of a neurology center. Could it be that if a cure for cancer were found, the medical society and FDA would be in an uproar? Do you realize how much potential money is made by people using pain killers and pharmaceutical products, and that potential will be minimized if people did not develop cancer anymore?
   Another one is raw milk. People have been drinking raw milk for thousands of years. I believe that occasionally, if a cow or animal that produced milk was sick, it could affect those who drank the milk. But overall, raw milk is full of nutrition and is very beneficial for us. Nevertheless, I have seen recent articles on 'the dangers of raw milk'. I almost have to laugh at them, because it seems like the authors of such articles must have their heads in the sand. Even reading the article, it doesn't appear that there are any dangers in drinking raw milk. Could it be that as long as farmers continue to produce raw milk, that there is a threat to the industrialized agriculture system? If everyone drank raw milk from now on, that would affect our economy in some interesting ways. Those who produce milk commercially would go out of business, and lose lots of money they are banking on. But, local farmers would become prosperous and improvements to farming would come about as more raw milk is being made available for the public to have. Perhaps, people would be healthier and would not have to make as many trips to the doctors? Again, the medical association would be affected financially and would suffer loss as well. So, some areas would prosper financially, while others would suffer great loss. But people would probably be healthier and happier if they eat properly, and not necessarily follow the FDA guidelines for what we should or shouldn't be able to eat.
   These problems are primarily specific to Americans, and part of the reason is that Americans tend to live by convenience. We go for whatever is easiest and whatever tastes best. If something requires a lot of work to produce, we say 'forget it' regardless of what kind of results we could get from working hard. The tradeoff for convenience is our health. We can have convenience, and we are used to convenience, but we will pay for it sooner or later. The FDA and Monsanto know this and are banking on our love for the easy life. They are making a lot of money off our love for having everything right at our fingertips. They make sure it tastes good too.
Did you know that outlawing gardening is being considered?